About Me

I am an artist and a crafter who primarily works with paper and thread. If I have the time and the occasion I like to draw and paint. Now and then I open my studio, Jettes Værksted, for everybody who wants to participate in my craft courses. Check out the next course here on the blog. I draw inspiration from a few of my other identities such as a traveller, a language teacher, a historian, and a mother.

I often get inspired by the idea of recycling and upcycling, and I am potentially a ”posedame” – an old lady who gathers lots of seemingly useless stuff in her bags. Some of that has come of good use in my courses.

Inspiration from the big universal blogosphere is a must and a daily fun. Thank you to all of you out there who know the value of sharing!

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Art education

Billedkunst, teacher training course, Skovlunde Dag- og Aftenseminarium, 1986

Drawing, painting and sculpture, Billedskolen, Jagtvej, Oct 1986 to June 1988



Kulstof 92, Københavns Kommune, 1992, Symfoni – Kvinder i Niger – tegning, kridt, acryl

Danidas Kursuscenter Hornbækhus, Kvinder i Niger, 1993

Fredericia Teater, 1994, Kvinder i Niger

Zoologisk Museum, 1996, Skildpaddeskjold – tegning og kul

Nana, Mount Pleasant, Washington DC, 2011, Meeting Myself – embroidery

DCAC – District of Colombia Arts Center, 14th Street, Washington DC 2011, participant in Wall Mountables – embroidery

Børneuniversitetet, Vesterbro, København, 2016

“Nordlandet”, privat pop-udstilling, 2017



E-mail: jetteskadhauge@gmail.com

Facebook. Jette Skadhauge

Instagram: jetteskadhauge





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